SED - Sanat Eğitimi Dergisi
Cilt 9, Sayı 1  2021/İlkbahar  (ISSN: 2147-8007, E-ISSN: )
Sezen AKSU

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Definitely, the most important event of 2020 has been the COVID-19 Pandemic, which has affected the whole world and created a change in all aspects socially, economically and psychologically. The way of life in this process, measures taken, practices, prohibitions have caused some effects on children as well as adults, and a number of restrictions have been made from educational life to social life. With this research, it is aimed to reveal the feelings and thoughts of the children, who are seen as the voice of the future, about how they perceive the pandemic through the pictures they made. For this purpose, the pictures of 25 students between the ages of 9-12 who attend Kastamonu Science and Art Center about corona pandemic were analyzed by semiotic method. In the analysis, the “sign, indicator and signage” classification used in Saussure's semiotics method, and the results were described by analyzing the indicators, signifiers, and signifiers that students use the most. As a result of the research, it was observed that the students showed a more egocentric approach, street-park display is at the forefront as a venue, in general, negative emotions, longing for the street, nature, and outdoors stand out.
Keywords: Art, children's pictures, corona, semiotics