In this study, which is aimed to evaluate the repertory determination criteria, stylistic-attitude and interpretation development in G clarinet education in vocational music education institutions, screening model was used. The research consists of the teaching staff of the G clarinet education in 2016-2017 academic year. The data reached in the interviews with the teaching staff working in the higher education institutions that provide vocational music education were analysed through content analysis. Instructors who determine the level of G clarinet education according to the level in the institutions providing professional music education; at the beginner level, it has been determined that a teacher uses the ‘western music clarinet method’ while the other instructor uses the ‘performance of the works performed by non-difficult pressure makers’ to determine the repertory by taking into account the methods they use. In the middle level, it has been observed that they are not in a common point of view similar to the beginning level in the measure of repertory determination.It was observed that one of the instructors had determined the repertory by taking into account the ‘Western music clarinet method’ and the other instructor taking into account the ‘performance of the works in the makers whose curtain pressure is more difficult than the initial level’.In the advanced level, it is seen that the instructors have a common view of point different from the beginning and middle levels. It was seen that the instructors set up a repertory considering ‘the performance of the works in the makers whose curtain pressure is more difficult’, and that they were in a common position to listening is the most important activity that students should make in order to develop style, interpretation and interpretation during clarinet education.
Key Words:Higher Education, Occupational Music Education, Turkish Music, G Clarinet, Repertory, Tone, Manner, Style Development