When it is looked at Zurna instrument’s historical development and its location in Turkish people’s live, it is seen that it has a meaning in the layers of state and society. With the consideration of Turkey region’s cultural richness is one of the most important factors that trigger instrument variety, Zurna instrument being performed in Trakya region’s northwest has gained one of a kind manner in historical process. The aim of this research is analysing the local style of kaba zurna which is played in Kırklareli accepted as an important performance center of Trakya region. In this survey, qualitative research method is used. Field study is determined as a model of survey , literature review and document analysing techniques are used in getting data. Kaba zurna performers who live in Kırklareli form population of survey, five kaba zurna performers chosen by random (Yusuf Ihnalı, Hüseyin Ihnalı, Vedat İlan, Naci Peri ve Oğlu Naci Peri) form sample of study. In the direction of scientific travels organised on 04-12-2017 and 17-03-2018, it was made interviews with five kaba zurna performers and recorded improvization performances which is thought that they may include data of kaba zurna performance style in region. Records obtained is analysed in the process of analysis of data and findings about kaba zurna performances in this region are evaluationed. As a result, it is determined that; in the kaba zurna performance in Kırklareli province, smooth blowing technique without vibrato is adopted, finger position and finger press are implemented with same behaviours by all performer and across the province, rast note is accepted as a final pitch. Furthermore, it is revealed that, pipe kind and using patterns are important elements determining performance quality.
Keywords: : Kaba zurna, Trakya region, Kırklareli province, manner, Performance analysis