The purpose of this study is to show the relationship of music education and social emotional learning. In this regard, the relationship of music education and social emotional learning has been researched by literature review. The process of understanding and comprehending the social and emotional aspects of life are referred to as “social emotional learning”. The components of social emotional learning are self-awareness, social awareness, responsible decision making, self-management and relationship skills. In a school setting, social and emotional learning includes the following skills: 1. effective relationship skills; 2. responsive, efficient and cooperative participation in group studies; 3. control and conveying through proper means the feelings and impulses; 4. solving the interpersonal conflicts and disputes in a non-violent, constructive, peaceful and thoughtful manner; 5. living the life with sound and correct personality traits; 6. ability to incorporate learning, learning and reflective learning into every aspect of life. Music and social emotional learning complements each other in the education process with the following properties: a. Music can be used as an emotional stimulus; b. Music can be used as an aesthetic experience; c. Music can be used for relaxation and imagination; d. Making music can be a form of self expression; e. Making music can be a form of group experience. These skills can be developed by social emotional learning programs to be prepared according to the students’ developmental periods. Such programs are also useful for cognitive skills. Activies such as improvisation, ensemble playing/ singing, defining emotions with music can be used in developing social emotional learning skills in music education. There is a significant relationship between teaching effectiveness and social emotional skills. Therefore, it is important to develop the knowledge and skills of the music teachers associated with social emotional learning.
Keywords: social emotional learning, SEL, music education.