SED - Sanat Eğitimi Dergisi
Cilt 2, Sayı 2  Güz 2014  (ISSN: 2147-8007, E-ISSN: )

NO Makale Adı
1406105972 Developing Self-Esteem Scale For Playing A Musical Instrumant

This study investigates and explains the steps of developing a self-esteem scale for instrument for the students of fine arts high school. Validity and confidence tests were carried out with total of 135 11th grade students in 6 different fine arts high schools in Turkey. SPSS statistical program is used for necessary tests. To investigate instrument-validity of the “Self Esteem Scale for the Played Instrument” factor analysis is used. To verify the scale’s reliability Cronbach Alpha (CA) test is used to calculate the internal consistency and for the current study CA test result is α = 0.915. Another test is Kaiser Meyer-Olkin (KMO) which is used to determine whether the statistical results of the sample size is sufficient. KMO for the current sample size is found α=0.872. KMO test results are categorized as follows: α = .90 means the results are excellent, α = .80 is very good, α = .70 and .60 not so good and below α = .50 is unacceptable (Tavşancıl: 2010, s.50). For the current study KMO is found α = .872 which shows that the sample size is sufficiently high.
Evidence from the test results shows that the scale which is developed to measure students' self-esteem for the played instrument can be used as aimed and it is a valid and a reliable tool for it.

Keywords: Instrument, Instrument Lesson, Self-Perception Scale