SED - Sanat Eğitimi Dergisi
Cilt 2, Sayı 1  Bahar 2014  (ISSN: 2147-8007, E-ISSN: )

NO Makale Adı

Arts literacy scale, colleges of education fine arts education began studying music and art department students of artistic knowledge to acquire, the knowledge gained configurations, artistic details and performance skills to be able to transfer and arts literacy studies about the contribution that has been developed. The first scale, related literature and art literacy screening instrument made by forming, in other literacy areas examined were prepared in 32 items. These substances academics interested in the field of art submitted for the validity of opinions and views were taken. The scale consists of 32 items, a factor analysis to determine the suitability Kaiser - Meyer - Olkin and Bartlett tests were conducted. Factor analysis results bearing in Article 6 and the remaining 26 items from the scale, the scale has been removed. Rotation is in the scale factor is composed of four. These factors , " artistic use information " Article 10 , " Defining information needs artistic " 5 items and " to return to the performance of theoretical research " Article 6 and " artistic access to information " 5 material. After this stage, study, Cronbach's alpha internal reliability coefficients were calculated and were found to be .912. In the study identified four factors stated core values of the scale after total correlation values shown in the tables. Arts literacy scale, as a result of statistical analysis concluded that a reliable and valid scale and these results are in line with the recommendations given.

Key Words: Literacy, Art Literacy, Art Literacy Scale